Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Writing On The Wall (NYC Libraries)

Sweet new mural series coordinated by Pentagram. An initiative to inspire young minds, and to revitalize and bring some consistency to NYC public school libraries. Murals were contributed by several well known artists and designers, including Charles Wilkin, a college instructor and mentor of mine. Click the title for the full story. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Smallification Gone To Far?

Ooooo, a new Apple product, so sleek and small and simple. So sexy. This time a redesign of their micro-mp3 player the ipod Shuffle. Discuss amongst yourselves.

The up-side:
- Well, it's smaller. Yeah, I get it, but isn't there a cut-off where we don't really feel a difference between a product that weighs 1/8 oz. vs one that weighs a 1/16?
-They've incorporated a way to navigate different playlists, Ok, that's nice, in theory.

The down-side:
-All controls are incorporated into the  apple earbuds, which I guess a lot of people like, but I find them to be doodoo garbage.
-And a new voiceover feature seems weird and not really useful.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

More on Rebranded Beverages...

Apparently there is a lot of updating going on and not just Pepsi products. Click here to see all of the Pepsi brand updates as well as some recent refreshes by Coke and the Dr. Pepper Snapple group. The article is from psfk.